Equipment kit list and Nutrition

Here is a list of essential kit for ALL squad swimmers (half hour lengths and above)

  • Resistance band for pre-pool exercises (medium strength, e.g. Theraband red)
  • Water bottle – at least 1 litre, name labelled, see Nutrition section below for what to put in it!
  • Pairs of goggles (and a spare pair if possible)
  • Two swim hats – preferably Club hats if possible (ask a Coach to buy these)
  • Kick board
  • Pull Buoy – swimmers under 12 should use a 3 band “mini” size
  • Fins – preferably medium/long blade fins but short fins are also okay
  • Swim snorkel – front facing (in front of nose) with purge valve
  • Hand paddles – optional for under 12 swimmers, but essential for swimmers in Ruby Development Squad & above
  • Large mesh bag for carrying the above kit

This list is also provided in our information about moving from widths to lengths sessions which can be found here.

You may be able to find “pre-loved” kit on our Facebook page (MPASC – The Penguins Exchange). Please ask your coach if you need any advice.

Swimmers in the Masters or Fitness Squad can determine their own equipment needs using the above list as guidance.

Swimmers in Learn to Swim (widths) do not require their own kit as the Club uses equipment provided by the  pool providers.



For all swim sessions in development squads and above, swimmers should bring a water bottle of at least 1 litre, possibly more for longer sessions or whenever the weather is hot. Water alone does not replenish the fluids and electrolyte lost during training, therefore an isotonic drink is needed.

A simple recipe for a low cost homemade isotonic is as follows:

  • fill the bottle with a squash drink of your choice
  • if the squash is sugar free, then also add 1/4tsp of sugar
  • add 3-4 salt rocks

Swimmers should eat and drink after the swim session: protein, carbs and good fats help recovery
For example chocomilk, natural yogurt, eggs. Milk will also help rehydration.

For some additional nutrition ideas: